10.51558 Procedures and strategies used in English-Arabic news translation. The case of Palestinian graduates’ translations


  • Mahmoud Fannouna Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary


translation procedures, English-Arabic news translation, linguistic and cultural aspects, communicative translation, cultural borrowing, foreignization


This paper examines English-Arabic news translation processes, emphasizing the strategies and procedures employed by Palestinian graduates. Delving into linguistic and cultural dimensions, the study identified 16 common procedures, including calque, transposition, and near-synonymy. Demonstrating the necessity of balancing semantic and communicative meaning, translators navigate nuanced choices to preserve intent while adapting to the target language. The cultural translation analysis highlights the prevalence of cultural borrowing and calque, signifying a foreignizing approach. The prevalence of foreignization is around 93%, indicating that instances of domestication through cultural redomestication are limited. The findings illuminate translators' endeavors to reconcile linguistic precision, cultural significance, and communicative efficacy, contributing nuanced insights to English-Arabic news translation practices. This research enriches scholarly discussions on translation, serving as a valuable resource for professionals, educators, and researchers.


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How to Cite

Fannouna, M. (2024). 10.51558 Procedures and strategies used in English-Arabic news translation. The case of Palestinian graduates’ translations. ExELL, 12(1), 51–102. Retrieved from https://exell.untz.ba/index.php/exell/article/view/8



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